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French as Foreign Language

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Preparation for DCL FP

The Language Proficiency Diploma (DCL in french) is a professional national diploma created especially for adults. Its specificity: to assess language skills in a situation close to the reality of work.

Concerned public

Adult in a professional or personal situation where French is not the language


The learner must justify a level A1.1 or demonstrate equivalent communication ability during the placement test.


● Acquire and develop French language skills both orally and in writing, in
usual professional situations, common to all sectors
economic activity
● Strengthen your self-confidence in learning and using the language
● Prepare for the DCL FP exam

Organization of the session

Face-to-face learning with an experienced trainer, in small groups (max 12 apprentices) which allow the course to be individualised.

The teaching materials used are as follows: textbook (see reference in the programme), whiteboard, video projector, computer with e-learning applications.

All our sessions take place face-to-face in our training center in La


For individual training sessions, we define the schedules according to your availability.
For group sessions, please contact us to find out the dates of the next sessions.


Allow 2 to 4 weeks between your registration and the start of the training.

Duration and prices

In order to determine the number of hours of training the learner needs to reach the target level, we will ask him to take a quick assesment test in our center. 

This training requires between 50 to 200 hours depending on the test of
positioning. As an indication, here are the rates for 50h:

In Group :











the session

Individual :











the session

Registration for a session

To register for the next training session, please contact us directly by phone (01 84 21 48 56), by email ( or via the chat below.

Please specify the desired training.

Evaluation methods

● Knowledge assessment: initial placement test

● Formative assessment: simulation of tests based on official subjects

● Final assessment: mock exam

● Hot and cold satisfaction questionnaire

Potential certifications at the end of training

DCL FP A1, A2.1 or A2 (depending on progression)
More information on the 
Language Proficiency Diploma.

Potential certifications at the end of training

DCL FP A1, A2.1 or A2 (depending on progression)
More information on the 
Language Proficiency Diploma.

DCL FP A1, A2.1 or A2 (depending on progression)
More information on the 
Language Proficiency Diploma.


Taux de réussite à l'examen de certification sur 2023.

Accessibility for people with disabilities

Our premises meet ERP accessibility standards. For any request
regarding accessibility to the premises, please contact the disability referent: Mr. Jawhar MOKNI (

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